A couple of months ago I found out that my favorite comedian (Brian Regan) was coming to town. My dad and I were the only ones I knew that went to go see him. My dad and I were both glad that Brian did almost entirely new stuff that we had never heard in his show. So that made the show even greater than I expected. There was one part that happened that was pretty funny because it wasn't supposed to happen. Brian was on the left side of the stage doing a bit and then started to walk back toward the middle of the stage, but the light didn't follow him back. So he kind of jumped back into the light so we could see him. I kind of think that threw him off a little bit; after he got back into the spotlight he said "I guess this joke supposed to happen over here." Over all the show was awesome because it was all new stuff and during his encore he added some new stuff to a couple of his old jokes. Take Luck!!!
You stink. I would have loved to have seen him!